Success Stories

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OHDC offered Carolina Job Readiness classes, Customer Service, Work ethics, Conflict Resolution, and Financial Literacy classes through Wells Fargo. It was a lot to absorb for her, but she never complained and kept a positive attitude in her classes. Through OHDC’s relationship with Amanecer Chiropractic Clinic, we were able to set up a short term Work Experience as their office assistant/receptionist. During those 300 hours, she learned office skills, applied her recent customer service training, operated all the office equipment, and interacted with customers on a daily basis.
Carolina did such a great job in her Work Experience with Amanecer Chiropractic Clinic. OHDC was able to transition her onto a short-term OJT (On-The-Job Training) with Amanecer. Carolina went from earning $10.00 an hour working upwards of 18 hours a day or 0 hours depending on the season to learning by working at a starting wage of $12.00 for 40 hours a week. Carolina was not done yet; she learned that with some additional training, she could become a Chiropractic Assistant. Carolina is no stranger to hard work and applied herself once more. Carolina attained a Chiropractic Assistant Certification, with the help of OHDC. Carolina is now earning $14.00 an hour as a full-time Chiropractic Assistant.
Carolina says: “Set goals and don’t stop working towards them, because hard work and dedication pays off. Thanks to programs like OHDC for giving me the training and the services that helped me succeed and continue to achieve my goals; one of them to buy my own house for my children and I.”
Success Story | Hillsboro, OR

Carolina, 44, a single mother of two, worked for the last 14 years at a nursery in Cornelius, OR pruning and planting different kinds of plants, earning $10.00 an hour when there was work. Her day would start as early as 4:00 am, she would have to get her kids up and ready for the babysitter and be at work by 5:00 am. During the busy planting season, she would finish at midnight working 15-18 hours a day during this season was common. Hours were paid a flat rate as agricultural workers are not eligible for overtime. While the extra pay helped, she also had to pay a babysitter those additional hours, and she didn’t get to see her kids very often.
Carolina heard about Oregon Human Development Corporation (OHDC) from a friend, and she knew that they helped with learning English. She was on a layoff and decided to visit OHDC, determined to make a change. She wanted to learn English because she knew that was the key to better employment than just continuing to work in the nursery. OHDC and Carolina started with local ESL classes delivered by Goodwill staff in our office. They started working intensively using Rosetta Stone language software. OHDC helped her assess what she might want to focus on in terms of a new career. Through one-on-one assessments, targeted discussions Carolina and OHDC staff narrowed down her employment goals.
Success Story | The Dalles, OR
Simon Gonzalez Hernandez was born and raised in a family of twelve in La Palmita, Municipio de Villamar, Michoacán, Mexico. After moving to the U.S., he settled in Oregon, where he is now married and a father of three. Simon's journey began in California, where he worked in orchards and fields, picking lemons, oranges, and other fruits. He later relocated to Oregon to participate in the cherry and pear harvests and spent 15 years spraying fields at Orchard View before deciding to change careers.
During his time in the fields, Simon faced several hardships, including seasonal unemployment during the winter months. Inclement weather such as snowstorms, rain, and ice often cut his working hours short, leading to financial strain and difficulty meeting basic household expenses.
Simon's life changed when he met Workforce Consultant at an Oregon Human Development Corporation (OHDC) outreach event. After discussing the training programs available, Simon became particularly interested in the Commercial Driver's License (CDL) training. At the time, he was in a job with unstable hours, insufficient year-round income, and no benefits.
After making an appointment with the Workforce Consultant at OHDC, Simon discovered he qualified for the National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP). Through this program, he enrolled in a 4-week CDL course at Elite Truck School. With OHDC covering the tuition, Simon successfully completed the course and passed the final driving exam. Additionally, he received gas, food, and household vouchers to ease the financial burden while he was in training.
Since obtaining his CDL, Simon has received several job offers. Shortly after earning his license, he accepted a position with a trucking company in The Dalles, Oregon, which provides him with benefits. He is thrilled with his new role, which offers higher pay and more security to support his family. At Shrock Trucking Company, Simon manages the transportation of cherries in The Dalles and other cities across Oregon. He transitioned from earning approximately $20 per hour in his previous job to $25 per hour in his new position.
Currently, Simon is focused on strengthening his trucking skills and improving his English- speaking abilities. He has gained valuable knowledge from the CDL training and has also made progress in his English skills, although he aims to build more confidence in speaking. His long- term goal is to own his own trucking company and become his own boss.
Simon credits OHDC for significantly helping him cover the cost of CDL training. He was initially unaware of the process to obtain his CDL and believes that OHDC's guidance played a crucial role in his success. He expresses gratitude, stating, "Briseida and the OHDC staff were very supportive of my goals. I am proud of who I have become and excited about where I will go from here."
Success Story | Woodburn, OR
Jaquelina was born and raised in Oaxaca Mexico. Her family has been engaged in agriculture for generations, harvesting wheat, corn, and beans. Her husband Virgilio and she lived in Oaxaca as farmworkers until 2006 when they relocated to Salem, Oregon, where they currently have two daughters, Daniela, and Dahiana. During the month of January 2023, Jaquelina visited the Worksource office to obtain information regarding employment opportunities. She was referred to OHDC for assistance; she was found eligible for the National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP) as a result of the husband's agriculture work history. Her husband, Virgilio, has been employed as a farmworker most of his life.
In January 2023, Jaquelina enrolled in the NFJP program. Her immediate goal was to enroll in ESOL classes through Chemeketa and possibly pursue obtaining her GED. In her previous job as a cook in a food service mobile truck, she was aware that she had to seek employment with better wages and benefits. Her main goal was to improve her
English-Speaking skills. She enrolled in Reading and Writing classes at Chemeketa Community College for the Spring term. In June, she enrolled in ESL classes for the summer term. She requested assistance from OHDC as she was no longer employed, and her husband was the sole provider for the family. In addition to her reading and writing classes, Jaqueline also earned a certification in Customer Service. OHDC provided her with financial assistance to ensure that she could concentrate on her studies. Jacquelina completed Customer Service classes and acquired certification in August.
Jaquelina attended the Job Readiness workshop as part of her job search; she hoped to find work in maintenance or prep cooking; OHDC staff assisted her with the preparation of her resume and interview skills. She was referred to several positions through the Salem Keizer School District by the OHDC staff. In July, Jaquelina was hired as a full-time janitor for the school district. As a result of the support provided by OHDC, Client continued to enroll in ESL classes during the Fall term and received stipends for her attendance in the classroom.
Her current goal is to change positions within the school district; she is interested in becoming a school bus driver and has been offered training opportunities. She is very happy with the opportunities that she is receiving at Salem Keizer School District; she now receives health benefits and a higher salary. By the end of the year, she hopes to become a bus driver. As her English skills improve, Jacquelina feels confident she will achieve her goals.