The Oregon Update, MSFW Enumeration Profiles Study (OR Update MSFW EPS) offers a revised version of the earlier 2002 report, looking at county level estimates in Oregon.
2018 Oregon Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Enumeration Study
Announcement: Did you know child labor still exists in the U.S? Yes, child labor still exists and not in the safest work environments. Read true stories from Farmworker children themselves in Children in the Fields newest publication, THE STORIES YOU SHOULD KNOW. See link to download a copy.…/AFOP-CIFC-Publication-The-Stories-You-Sh…
OR Contact AFOP-Children in the Fields Campaign for a hard copy.…/AFOP-CIFC-Publication-The-Stories-You-Sh…
OR Contact AFOP-Children in the Fields Campaign for a hard copy.