Weatherization Program
Available for Klamath and Lake Counties
The Weatherization Program helps low-income residents reduce energy costs and improve home safety. Once eligibility is confirmed, a Home Energy Audit is conducted to assess insulation, furnace condition, ductwork, and other energy-saving opportunities. Approved energy-saving measures are then installed by a contractor, followed by a final inspection to ensure safety and effectiveness. The program aims to make homes more energy-efficient, safe, and comfortable.

"Energy Savings, Safer Homes, Brighter Futures."

Contact Us:
We’re here to help you take the first step
Upon contacting our office, applicants receive a brief telephone interview. This is a preliminary qualification process only. If the information received at this time indicates that your household qualifies for our program, you will be placed on our weatherization waiting list. Once you are contacted to come in for your intake interview, you will be notified of what documentation to bring in to verify your eligibility. Eligibility is determined based upon your household's income at the time of your intake interview.
We will schedule a Home Energy Audit and Inspection. After determining that the structure is sound enough for work to be done and that no serious hazards exist, the auditor will inspect for insulation levels, condition of the furnace and duct system, water heater settings, and other energy saving opportunities. Diagnostic testing with specialized equipment will further determine levels of air infiltration into the home, loss of heat through leaky duct systems, and the performance levels of fuel burning appliances. Health and Safety issues such as mold or moisture, inadequate ventilation, or the potential for elevated carbon monoxide levels in the home are also documented for correction.
The information from the Energy Audit and Inspection is entered into an Energy Management Computer Program. As various energy saving measures are submitted, the computer program calculates whether or not the measures will save as much money in energy usage as they will cost to install. Only measures which pay for themselves in energy savings can be done.
As an example, if attic insulation is submitted as an improvement measure which will cost $1000.00, the program will calculate whether or not we will save that amount over the 25 year life expectancy of that measure. That's only $40.00 per year or about $3.33 per month that we would have to save for that measure to be approved for installation.
Due to the low cost / high savings nature of measures like attic insulation and air sealing, approval for these measures is more likely than for other high cost / low savings measures such as doors or windows.
The approved measures are submitted as a work order for the Weatherization Contractor. The Contractor will then contact you to schedule installation and answer any questions you may have about that part of the process.
After work is complete, the Program Coordinator will return for a Final Inspection. This process will include a walk-through visual inspection of the completed work as well as a repeat of most of the diagnostic testing that was done at the audit. This "Test-in, Test-out" method insures that the energy saving measures completed on your home do not create or contribute to moisture, ventilation, combustion, or other health and safety issues.
Our goal is help you, the low-income residents of Klamath and Lake Counties to save money on your energy bills while making your home a safer and more comfortable place to live. We look forward to hearing from you!